Weston Colville Parish Council put out a tender to create a play park in the corner of their Cricket Ground, and selected Setter Play to deliver the project due to the fantastic unique design we proposed to them.

Weston Colville was home to an RAF base during World War Two, and we used this as inspiration to create an entirely bespoke climbing frame based on a Lancaster Bomber, reflecting local history and creating a fantastic spark for role-play games as well as adventure-play.

A careful and considered design creates the giant climbing frame structure, with tactically-placed supports that also add in lots of opportunity to include details and features to further the historical theme.

Crawl tunnels are always popular in play parks, and our design features tiny gaps which are compliant with the standard whilst also enabling easy supervision to deter anti-social behaviour.

The client selected rubber mats as their chosen safety surface, which will settle into the ground and give the space a natural look in the short- to medium-term. The surface also provides a measure of grip and anti-erosion throughout the space.

The play area is complete with Playhouses and Balancing Trail activities, as well as games panels and a combi-Swing, with a seat for juniors and a seat for infants.

A talk tube provides a fun sensory activity alongside the spinning bowl, which is designed for children to propel themselves and develop their vestibular motion.

The client selected steel feet on the log uprights to extend the lifespan of the play area.

This compact play park is truly action-packed, with a fantastic centre-piece that truly demonstrates Setter Play’s capabilities to create bespoke, standout play equipment.