Latest Case Studies

From the full design and installation of new playgrounds for schools and local authorities, to canopies and outdoor classrooms for community centres, if it involves play Setter have done it! Our case studies detail step by step how we have assisted with all aspects of payground planning, design and implementation from start to finish.

MUGA and free-form climber completed in London

Chestnuts Primary School in North London asked Setter Play to design a masterplan for each area of their grounds, which they would approach in phases after different rounds of fundraising. [...]

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Free-form climber installed in Northamptonshire

Welford Sibbertoft and Sulby Endowed School commissioned Setter Play to upgrade their play area, transforming different areas in different phases as their needs and budget change. After installing an adventure [...]

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Bespoke Performance Stages installed in Bedfordshire

Roecroft School in Bedfordshire wanted to boost their outdoor play and learning provisions with some performance stages that could be enjoyed during breaktimes and lessons. They appreciated our suggestions to [...]

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Huge EYFS Play Area completed in Hertfordshire

A huge win for our new salesperson Georgie! Reddings Primary School in Hemel Hempstead heard of us from Mr. Weightman at Tudor Primary, who we have worked with for many [...]

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Outdoor Classroom installed in Hertfordshire

Hillshott Infants School in Letchworth are a long-time customer of ours, and we're always grateful when we're asked to quote for their next project. This project required the removal of [...]

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Adventure Trail completed in West Midlands

Woodland Infants School in Solihull asked Setter Play to refresh their adventure trail area, which had served their school well over the years. The school wanted to invest in a [...]

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Outdoor Classroom installed in Bedfordshire

Shortstown Primary School is just a stone's throw from us up the A6, so we were delighted to be selected for a variety of works at their school over the [...]

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Teaching Cabin installed in London

Ian Mikardo High School also commissioned Setter Play to design and install an outdoor teaching cabin, that they could used for time-outs and small group lessons. This was a slight [...]

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Bespoke climbing frame completed in London

After many years of the school fundraising towards the project, we were hugely excited when Ian Mikardo High School finally got the green light for their play area project! Their [...]

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Colourful EYFS Scheme completed in Hertfordshire

We first built Goffs Oak Primary School in Hertfordshire's play equipment around 15 years ago, so we were very pleased to be invited back to redevelop their EYFS space during [...]

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EYFS Climbing Frame, Water Play Area and Adventure Trail completed in Cumbria

Crosthwaite Primary School in the Lake District asked Setter Play to redevelop all of their play areas, with a variety of upgrades providing their pupils with exciting new spaces to [...]

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All-Weather Surfacing Project completed in Bedfordshire

Husborne Crawley School in Bedfordshire asked their local playground company to re-surface their play areas and provide their pupils and teachers with dependable all-weather access to different areas in their [...]

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